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Summer 2022
Above is a digital flip book.
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Video Poetry
N and Incineration
Desirée Jung
Desirée Jung is an artist born in Brazil, and adopted by Vancouver, Canada. She has published translations, poetry, and fiction in several magazines around the world. She has also participated in several artist residencies. Her education includes a film degree from Vancouver Film School, a BFA in Creative Writing, an MFA in Creative Writing and a PhD in Comparative Literature, all from the University of British Columbia. Her most recent work, a series of video poems about memory, landscape and what is not-all out there, has been screened in several film festivals around the world, and can be found in her website:
Zuzanna Michalska
Zuzanna Michalska is a Student of Animation at University of Arts in Poznań. Interested in experimental and abstract animation, especially in the idea of non-figurative shapes and forms that, turned in motion, can tell stories, provoke association and show emotions.
We Made Poetry Not Love
Tyko Say
Tyko Say is the founder and director of poetics at the Prague-based performance and poetics collective OBJECT:PARADISE which aims to promote poetry as a contextually-dependent language happening. His curations and works look to make poetry more punk rock, low-brow, and dependent on the time and space that it occurs. You may see more of his work through his and his collective's website:;
Something I Have Never Told Anyone
Lara Beasley
Lara Beasley is a visual artist from Birmingham, UK that works primarily with video and performance. Their work explores aspects of time and its impossibility as a series of moments, each moment affecting another and being gone immediately.
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